Rick Keenan, PhD
Rick Keenan has over 35 years of experience in drug discovery including twelve years as a drug discovery consultant working with biotech, venture capital, philanthropic groups, and large pharmaceutical company clients in the US, Europe, and Asia. Rick brings a critical approach to scientific problem solving derived from an integrated understanding of the entire drug discovery and development process. Over the course of his research career in medicinal chemistry, he has contributed directly to the discovery of numerous clinical development compounds from a variety of therapeutic areas, including two marketed drugs: the Angiotensin Receptor blocker Teveten and the TPO receptor agonist Promacta. He is listed as an inventor of over thirty patents and has co-authored over fifty research publications.

Previously at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Rick was a founding member and Vice-President of the Center of Excellence for External Drug Discovery (CEEDD) and part of the leadership team responsible for managing a diverse drug discovery portfolio of external research alliances. Rick also spearheaded open and collaborative approaches to industry-wide research on neglected tropical diseases and led the efforts to publish whole cell malaria screening data in a freely accessible online database. Rick obtained a Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Stanford University with Professor Paul Wender and earned a BS in Chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania.