Program Details
Lena Gray, P.T. &
Baby Development Expert
M E D I C I N E S D I S C O V E R Y A W A R D P R O G R A M ( M D A P )
Competitive incubator and accelerator program designed to identify and advance a promising early stage drug discovery into an early “proof of concept.” Successful projects will exit the program as either a licensing transaction to a strategic pharmaceutical partner or as an EDI-created startup company.
The Medicines Discovery Award Program model seeks to build close collaboration and interaction between EDI management, the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), third party specialty providers (CROs), Key Opinion Leaders, outside investors, strategic pharmaceutical partners, and the academic investigator(s). Following successful entry into the program, EDI will form a project team comprised of EDI program management, selected SAB members and the principal investigator(s). This project team will be responsible for developing the program-specific workplan, budget, timelines, and milestone objectives. EDI coordinates and manages the workplan through its network of contract research organizations (CROs), specialty service providers, pharmaceutical industry experts and consultants. Specific aspects of the project may be conducted in the investigator’s laboratory and would receive financial investments linked to specific workplan-driven milestones. Progress against milestones and advancement to the next level of support will be evaluated on an annual basis by EDI’s Portfolio Review Committee.
Projects accepted into the program will potentially be eligible to receive the following resources contingent upon successful achievement of project milestones and annual SAB review:
Between $250,000 and $7.5M in total program support over five years (reviewed annually)
Access to EDI’s Scientific Advisory Board, strategic partners and consultant network
Drug discovery and development expertise
Project management and planning
Business development and product commercialization
Company incorporation and management
Clinical development strategy, intellectual property, regulatory strategy, and IND preparation
External program financing through venture capital or strategic pharma investments

Molly Mesko, MBA
Director of Portfolio Development and Alliance Management
E-mail: meskom@discoveredi.org